Thursday, February 14, 2008


List a minimum of 10 things that interest you about the career you are researching.

1.So I can help people get better.

2.Around 9 million children visit the emergency room from injuries.

3.To train to be an LPN it takes almost a year.

4.So I can learn how to make people feel better.

5.By 2014 there should be 1.2 million job openings for RN nurses alone.

6.Women make up 92.3% of all RNs.

7. In the first half of 2006, over 65,000 people were newly licensed registered nurses.

8. Nurses can work where ever they are needed, such as hospitals, homes, schools, and even homeless shelters.

9. 56% of nurses work in hospitals working in the areas as intensive care, operating/recovery room, ER, labor and delivery, and outpatient units.

10. The two types of nursing I am looking into is a nurse practitioner or a Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Which ESTJ did you score the highest?
Of the careers listed for you, which one are you planning to research?

I scored the highest in extraverted. My career that i want to do was not on my list. So I am going to research on being a nurse.

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